The Fluffy Facts: 10 Fascinating Insights into the World of Bunnies

Bunnies, also known as rabbits, are cute, fluffy creatures that get a few weeks in the spotlight each spring. But did you know that there's more to bunnies than just their adorable appearance? Here are 10 fun facts about bunnies will have you hopping for joy:
- Bunnies have 28 teeth! That's a lot of teeth for such a small animal. They use their teeth for gnawing on food and for defending themselves.
- Bunnies are social creatures and like to live in groups. In the wild, they live in underground burrows called warrens. These warrens can be quite extensive and may have several entrances and exits.
- Bunnies have an excellent sense of smell and can detect scents up to a mile away. This is especially useful for them when they're trying to find food or avoid predators.
- Bunnies are fast runners and can reach speeds of up to 45 miles per hour! This is their primary way of escaping predators in the wild.
- Bunnies are not rodents. They belong to the family Leporidae, which includes hares and pikas.
- Bunnies are very clean animals and will groom themselves regularly. They also groom other bunnies in their group as a way of showing affection.
- Bunnies have been domesticated for over 1,000 years. They were originally kept for their meat and fur, but now they're popular pets all around the world.
- Bunnies are born blind and deaf, but they develop quickly. Within a few days, they can already move around and find their mother's milk.
- Bunnies are not just brown or white! There are over 100 different breeds of bunnies, and they come in a variety of colors and patterns.
- One very special Bunny loves to take photos with you and your family every spring! Book your Bunny Magic photo experience now and capture memories to last a lifetime. Find Bunny near you at
So there you have it, 10 "hare"-raising, "bun"-tastic, "hop"-tacular facts about bunnies! Whether you're a bunny owner or just a bunny enthusiast, these furry little creatures will have you "hopping" with joy.
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