September Holidays to Celebrate with the Whole Family

September is here, and that means fall is right around the corner! This month is FULL of fun reasons to celebrate, from National Coffee Day to Teddy Bear Day to the International Day of Sign Language and more.
Dive into the list of September holidays below, and create new traditions that the whole family can enjoy together.
For a full list of holidays every day of the month, scroll to the bottom of the page.
Hispanic Heritage Month (Sep 15 - Oct 15)
Hispanic Heritage Month is a time to celebrate the rich tapestry of cultures, traditions, and the vibrancy that the Hispanic and Latinx communities bring to the world.
International Beard Appreciation Day (September 2nd)
The rise of social media and internet culture has played a significant role in popularizing quirky and niche holidays like International Beard Appreciation Day. Online platforms provide a space for enthusiasts to share photos, stories, grooming tips, and humorous content related to beards. As a result, hashtags, memes, and online communities have contributed to the spread of awareness about this holiday.
Labor Day (September 4th)
The origin of Labor Day can be traced back to the late 19th century, and it was the result of labor unions' efforts to advocate for workers' rights and improved working conditions.
National Teddy Bear Day (September 9th)
The origin of National Teddy Bear Day can be traced back to the unique story of President Theodore Roosevelt and a hunting trip. Today, National Teddy Bear Day is a lighthearted occasion marked by teddy bear-themed events, promotions, and activities. It's a day to cherish the memories of childhood companionship and to honor the legacy of Theodore Roosevelt's compassionate act that led to the creation of a cherished icon.
International Mini Golf Day (September 21st)
The concept of miniature golf, also known as putt-putt, began to gain popularity in the early 20th century. The first recorded miniature golf course was built in 1916 in Pinehurst, North Carolina, by James Barber, who designed a course with artificial greens and obstacles.
National Comic Book Day (September 25th)
The first prototype comic book was released in 1842 and it was called The Adventures of Mr. Obadiah Oldbuck.
National Coffee Day (September 29th)
While the exact origin of National Coffee Day may vary by country, the observance is a testament to the cultural and economic significance of coffee and its ability to bring people together. It's a day to savor your favorite cup of coffee, explore different blends, and appreciate the rich history and diverse flavors that coffee has to offer.
Of course, September is FULL of all sorts of holidays from the serious to the silly. We’ve assembled a list of the daily holidays in this month. Find one that speaks to you, and make plans to celebrate!
Month of September - Civil Service Month
- Leukemia Awareness Month
- Hispanic Heritage Month (Sep 15 - Oct 15)
September 1 - Chess Day
September 2 - International Beard Appreciation Day
September 4 - Labor Day
September 5 - Cheese Pizza Day
September 5-11 - Conservation Week
September 9 - Teddy Bear Day
September 10 - Grandparent's Day
September 14-20 - Coding Week
September 15 - Hispanic Heritage Month Begins
September 16 - International Beach Clean-Up Day
- Oktoberfest
September 18 - Cheeseburger Day
- International Company Culture Day
September 19 - Wife Appreciation Day
- IT Professionals Day
September 20 - Pepperoni Pizza Day
September 21 - International Alzheimer's Awareness Day
- International Mini Golf Day
September 22 - Singles Day
- Business Women's Day
September 23 - International Day of Sign Language
September 25 - Comic Book Day
- Daughter's Day
September 26 - Pancake Day
- HR Professional's Day
September 28 - Son's Day
September 29 - National Coffee Day
Subscribe to learn more about the holidays you love and ways to enjoy them with your friends and family.