10 Ways Your Family Can Give Back to Your Community

Giving back to our communities is always in season. When you give back as a family, you increase the chances your kids will continue community service into adulthood. There are so many ways your family can make an impact to help improve the lives of others. Here are a few ideas to get you and your kids inspired to share in the Magic of Giving.

1. Donate clothes
One of the easiest ways you can give back to others is by donating clothing! You can donate new or gently used items from your wardrobes. Make it a family activity to find the items that are outgrown or no longer worn.
If your items have holes or are getting threadbare, recycle them for other purposes like sewing projects or cleaning rags. Donation centers have become overwhelmed with clothing that may be better off in the bin in recent years.
During colder months, you can contribute to a clothing drive for warm coats, hats, gloves, and scarves. In these cases, you might want to consider purchasing new winter items.
2. Make cards
Making cards for others is a fun way that your family can add some extra cheer to someone’s day. There are several organizations that provide care packages to those who serve in the military, as well as to veterans, and they love to include cards to add an extra touch! You can also create cards for older folks in your community who may need some extra love during the holidays.
You can also get your kids’ schools involved. If several classes can have children create 1-2 cards, just think of the smiles you could create together!

3. Organize a cleanup
An easy way you can your kids can make an instant difference in your community is by cleaning up litter. If you haven’t seen any notices for community clean ups in your area, organize one yourself! Enlist the help of friends, neighbors, members of your church, and anyone else who can lend a hand.
Pick a site where litter is a problem. This may be a beach, river, or other habitat where trash poses dangerous threats to wildlife. Then set a date and time for your clean up. Gather supplies like trash bags and gloves, and get to work. You’ll be surprised how much you can beautify an area when everyone works together!
4. Donate toys
Just like you donate unworn clothing, you can also donate like-new toys! This is a great way to clean out your playroom while also making room for any new goodies Santa might deliver. Many local organizations will take toy donations and upcycle them to a new home.
You can also use some of your own holiday budget to choose presents for children who otherwise wouldn’t have any at all. Many churches and local non-profits offer the opportunity for you to “adopt a family” for the holiday and make sure there are gifts under the tree. Get your kids involved and have them choose a toy that they would love to receive.
5. Set up a Little Free Library
Do you have books that you want to donate? Consider giving them to a Little Free Library – a public bookshelf where people can give or take as many books as they’d like, any day, any time! If you haven’t seen a Little Free Library before, they are often built like a bird house, only they house books instead!
If you don’t have a Little Free Library in your area, consider building one yourself or working with others in your area to start a small network of them. They’re wonderful ways create community and inspire a love of reading and learning for people of all ages.
6. Volunteer at an animal shelters
People aren’t the only ones who need us to give back! Animals need our help, too. Animal shelters rely on the support of folks in the community to help provide a better life for furry friends in search for their forever homes.
Many animal shelters require volunteers to go through a training process to make sure both they and the animals are safe. Some may also ask that volunteers be of a certain age. Check with animal shelters in your area to see what opportunities might be open to your family based upon their needs and your kids’ ages. If there are no ways that you can donate time, ask if there are any supplies you can donate.
7. Deliver groceries and meals
For some people, doing chores like grocery shopping and cooking can be difficult. If you have a neighbor in need of a little extra help, volunteer to have your family help go to the store and prepare occasional meals.
There are also organizations that assist those who are in regular need of these services, like Meals on Wheels. Food pantries in your area process donations and make deliveries too, so see if your family can help.
8. Donate to a shelter
Not everyone is lucky to have a roof over their head. Based on one study, as many as 14% of people in the United States have experienced homelessness in their lifetime.
Ask shelters in your area what items they need to help serve the community and donate whatever you’re able. Common requests are personal care products, gift cards, and clothing – especially socks.
9. Participate in a food drive
In 2020, 1 in 10 families in the United States didn’t have enough to eat. To make sure no one goes hungry, consider participating in a food drive, or organize one yourself! To donate to a food drive, you can go through your cabinets and find non-perishable food that you want to give (be sure to check the expiration!) or go to the store and buy new items.
Many local food pantries have lists of items that they need to provide nutritious ingredients. Check to see what suggestions they have first.
Food drives are especially common in November and December surrounding holidays. Some grocery stores will even accept cash donations so they give families all they need to prepare a holiday dinner for Thanksgiving or Christmas.
10. Collect donations
We all have causes that are close to our hearts for whatever reason. Pick an organization that is dedicated to a cause you and your family are passionate about. The organization can be local, national, or international. Then help raise awareness for your shared mission by collecting donations.
We invite you to share in the Magic of Giving with us by contributing to one of our charitable partners: Autism Speaks, The Humane Society of the United States, and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Learn more about ways you can help us create the Magic of Giving together.
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