Summer’s heating up and it’s time to cool down! But you don’t have to head to the beach, the pool, or a waterpark to enjoy some fun splashing around. Try cooling down with some of our favorite at-home water activities that everyone in your family, from toddlers to teens, can enjoy at home this summer.
Slip n’ slide
The slip n slide is such a simple, fun activity, no wonder it’s been popular for over 60 years since this product was first introduced. The official Slip N Slide product is made by Wham-O, though of course, there are many, many different kinds of slip n slide products out there. The concept is simple: long, plastic sheet is spread out on a grassy surface and wet with water, then kids can slip and slide till their hearts are content. Products range from simple mats to ones that have inflatable pools at the end for added fun.
Splash in sprinklers
It’s amazing how many hours of fun your kids can have running through sprinklers! It’s a simple alternative to heading to a waterpark. And as a bonus, you’ll be taking care of your lawn at the same time! If you don’t have a dedicated sprinkler, you can always make one. Just poke holes in a plastic bottle or jug, stick your hose inside, and secure the connection with waterproof tape. You can also do the same thing using a pool noodle or PVC , just be sure to plug the end opposite the hose.
Create a watery sensory bin
There are so many ways to play with water. Why not create a watery sensory bin? Fill a container with water, ice, and different kinds of fruit. That way, you know anything that’s in your bin is safe to touch (and eat, since we all know how much kids love to put things in their mouths!). Just be sure not to cut up pieces of fruit too small or to use things like grapes, which can be a choking hazard. Your kids will also have fun transferring ice or liquids among different containers using spoons or just their hands.
Start a water balloon fight
Water balloons can provide hours if not days of fun for kids of all ages. One of the most classic water balloon games is a good old fashioned water balloon fight. Just like having a water gun fight, there’s no right way to do it. You can form teams, or just have everyone fend for themselves. No one loses since everyone has fun cooling down and getting wet on those hot summer days. Just remember to clean up after yourself!
Do a water balloon toss
Water balloon tosses are great fun when you’ve got a group together. And the best part is that the adults can play along too. To play, have everyone pair up with a partner and stand face to face, forming two lines. Toss a water balloon back and forth, with all players taking a step back after each toss. The goal is to see how far you can toss the water balloons without having them break. This game can get pretty competitive! So fill enough water balloons so that you’re ready for a few rounds of fun. And as always, make sure your kids help clean up the pieces of broken water balloons.
Have a water balloon relay race
Another great way to have fun with water balloons is to host a water balloon relay race. This game is unlike a regular relay race, where players run between two points and then hand an object back and forth. In this version, players will run towards chairs, where adults place water balloons. Once your kids arrive at the chair, they take a seat and pop the balloon. This game is good to play in teams or just for two. Just make sure that you have enough adults to help replenish the water balloons on the chairs you’re using. And you already know – pick up those broken balloon pieces when you’re done!
Soap up with a car wash
Why not have your kids help you out with a car wash? They can get wet, soap up and help you with your chores! Your little ones may not be able to reach most areas of your car depending on the side. But they’ll sure have fun helping in whatever ways they can, whether they want to sponge down your car or spray it off with the hose. Luckily, there are many biodegradable, ecofriendly soaps specifically designed for washing cars on the market nowadays. That way, you don’t need to worry about hurting your yard and the rest of the environment with chemical runoff.
Play water limbo using a hose
We’ve all tried to see how low we can go playing limbo. Maybe you’ve even played this fun party game on roller skates or roller blades. In this version of the game, you’ll use a water hose. The bar itself is the water! If your hose is outfitted with a nozzle, make sure the stream of water isn’t set to too high of a pressure. If you don’t have a nozzle, just use your finger to control the pressure and create a stream. And course, you’ll want to play this game on the grass! You don’t want any bumps or bruises!
Paint with ice cubes
Summer can be quite daunting when the temperatures begin to skyrocket after the calm spring period. This is why finding what to do to make that heat at least a little bit more bearable can be a tough challenge. With a bit of a planning in advance, you and your kids can both beat the heat at home, and come out with a new and beautiful-looking piece of clothing. If you freeze non-toxic washable paint in an ice cube tray overnight, then on the next day you can let your kids’ imagination run wild on a few plain white shirts. And the best of all – you can wear and show off the results with pride during your store trips (to get ice-cream, of course), or even in your Casual Friday Zoom meetings.
Have a water gun fight
Who doesn’t have great memories of water gun fights in the summer? Water guns come in all shapes and sizes. You don’t need a fancy Super Soaker to have fun with a water gun fight. You can get some inexpensive water guns at your local dollar store. You can play games in teams, or have everyone fight for themselves. Don’t want to get water guns? No problem. Just recycle some old spray bottles, and voilà.
Have a sponge toss
This is a nice way to increase general hand-eye coordination, motor ability, and most importantly – to have a fun. All you’ll need for this activity is to get plastic buckets (one per participant would be ideal), and a sponge – the bigger the better. After filling buckets with water, drop the sponge in them, then pass the sponge around. It’s up to you to decide whether or not you would want to squeeze the sponge a bit before tossing it, or just go along with the fun of throwing a fully soaked one.
Dip in a backyard pool
Even if you don’t have an in-ground pool at your house, you might want to get an above-ground pool to help your kids keep cool in the summer. Above-ground pools come in all shapes and sizes. Even small plastic or inflatable kiddie pools can provide entertainment all summer long. Of course, you can also get, much, much larger above-ground pools, too. While they’re more expensive, adults will even enjoy taking a dip. And you can host pool parties for all your friends and family!
Hose down in the garden
Another fun chore your kids might like helping with in the summertime that can also help them cool off is watering plants. You’ll both have fun digging around in the dirt to do weeding and other gardening activities. And while you are doing some of the trickier tasks, they can help by watering your plants. Whether they’re filling up a watering can or bucket, or watering plants directly in the hose, they’ll love helping out adults. Of course, they might get a little too excited to help and overwater certain sections of your garden, so keep an eye on them so you’re not cleaning up from a small flood!
No matter how you decide to get wet and cool down, don’t forget to subscribe to The Holiday Blog. We’ve got ideas, tips, and tricks for you to celebrate summer and every season.