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8 Things You Can Do With Pumpkins This Fall

Written by Admin | Oct 20, 2023 3:05:56 PM
One of the most iconic symbols of this season is the humble pumpkin. Beyond just carving Jack-o'-lanterns for Halloween, there are tons of creative ways to celebrate this versatile fruit during autumn. Here are 8 delightful ideas for incorporating pumpkins into your fall festivities.

1. Decorate Your Home with Mini Pumpkins

Pumpkins come in various sizes, including mini ones. These adorable pumpkins can be used to decorate your home, office, or outdoor spaces. You can place them on your mantel, create a centerpiece for your dining table, or even use them as place card holders for a fall-themed dinner party.

2. Make Soup 

As the weather gets colder, a warm bowl of pumpkin soup can be incredibly comforting. This savory dish combines the natural sweetness of pumpkin with aromatic herbs and spices. It's a great way to use up leftover pumpkin or to enjoy a hearty meal on a chilly autumn evening. 

3. Create a Center Piece

Instead of using traditional vases, why not create a unique flower arrangement using a pumpkin? Hollow out a small pumpkin, fill it with water, and arrange your favorite fall flowers inside.

4. Carve Pumpkins

What a classic! Let your artistic side shine by creating intricate designs or spooky faces. Illuminate your masterpiece with a candle for an enchanting effect.

5. Make Bread

If you're looking for a different way to enjoy the flavors of pumpkin, try baking a loaf of pumpkin bread. Moist, flavorful, and slightly sweet, this bread is perfect for breakfast or as a snack. You can add nuts, chocolate chips, or spices like cinnamon and nutmeg to enhance the taste.

6. Roast Pumpkin Seeds

Don’t waste those seeds when you’re carving pumpkins or baking with them. Pumpkin seeds are an awesome snack. After you’ve cleaned off any remaining pulp from your seeds, dry them off, toss them lightly in oil and season any way you like. Even if you have a ton of seeds from all of your pumpkin projects, save ALL those seeds to roast. They store well, and are so addictive that they won’t last as long as you think! 


7. Visit A Pumpkin Patch

Visiting a pumpkin patch is a tradition that everyone should experience at least once. Pumpkin patches typically have pumpkins for carving and smaller pumpkins better suited for eating, so get some of both. If you’ve never cooked with fresh pumpkin, don’t be intimidated: it’s technically a squash, so cooking with it isn’t much different. 

8. Paint a Pumpkin

Painted pumpkins are a much more kid-friendly craft, plus they tend to last longer than their carved counterparts. The easy no-carve pumpkin idea is a perfect way to show off your style!


Fall is a season to savor, and pumpkins provide a delightful canvas for all sorts of creative and culinary adventures. Whether you're decorating, cooking, or simply enjoying a pumpkin-spiced treat, these ideas will help you make the most of this enchanting time of year. So, go ahead and let your fall spirit shine with these pumpkin-inspired activities!  


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